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10 Strategies to Maximize E-commerce Email Segmentation

Written by Andrew Maff | Jun 7, 2023 11:30:00 AM

Are you looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of your e-commerce email marketing? Have you noticed a decrease in open rates and responses from customers in recent times? Well, then it’s time to take a look at segmentation.

Email segmentation has been shown to lead to better engagement with customers through targeted messages tailored toward their interests and needs. In fact,  segmented email campaigns have a 50% higher click-through rate (CTR) compared to untargeted campaigns. Hence, by focusing on strategies for optimizing e-commerce email segmentation, marketers can create more effective campaigns that get better returns from their audience.

In this blog post, we will explore different tactics and approaches leading brands use to maximize email segmentation efforts. By understanding the fundamental principles of successful email segmenting, savvy businesses can apply these tips and tricks to their marketing arsenal to enjoy greater success with user engagement.

Why Should You Segment Your Email Marketing List?

Segmented email campaigns are highly targeted and aim for maximum return on investment (ROI). By segmenting your email list, you can send highly-targeted email campaigns to customers based on their interests, behaviors, and past purchases. This provides a personalized customer experience leading to higher open rates, click-through rates, and customer loyalty. Here are more advantages of segmenting your email marketing list:

1. Personalization

Segmentation allows you to get more personal with customers by sending them content that is tailored to their interests and needs. This can lead to higher response rates compared to a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

2. More Effective Promotions

You can target specific promotions or offers to certain segments of your list, instead of sending generic offers to everyone. This can help you reach the right customers with content that they will be more likely to engage with.

3. Better Targeted Messaging

By segmenting your email list, you can craft messages that are specifically targeted at each group and at each level of the sales funnel. This helps ensure that you are sending a relevant message at the right time and to the right target customers with higher purchase intent.

4. Increased Relevancy

Segmentation allows for greater relevance in emails since you’ll be able to send messages that are aligned with the specific interests and needs of each customer segment. This leads to increased trust and loyalty amongst customers as they feel like their needs are truly being met by the brand.

10 Strategies to Maximize E-commerce Email Segmentation

1. Demographic Segmentation

Demographics are like the ingredients that make up a cake - it's essential to get the right mix to satisfy your audience's sweet tooth. By dividing customers into age, gender, and location segments, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to meet the specific needs and preferences of each group. For example, a cosmetics line could offer products specially designed for younger adults or those entering the pre-menopausal stage.

2. Geographic Segmentation

Group customers based on their location, such as country, region, or city. This is especially useful for businesses that offer locally-relevant products and services. It helps ensure that your campaigns are timely and relevant to the right audience. To make the best use of this type of segmentation, try geo-targeting relevant content to each location.

3. Psychographic Segmentation

Group customers together based on their lifestyle, hobbies, interests, and values. This type of segmentation is especially useful for businesses that offer products or services related to a certain lifestyle. By understanding the lifestyle of your target customers, you can create content that resonates with them and speaks to their needs. You can do this by offering content that is tailored to their interests, such as recipes for foodies or workout tips for fitness buffs.

4. Behavioral Segmentation Strategy

Categorize customers according to their previous behaviors and/or actions. This type of segmentation is especially useful for businesses looking to increase customer retention and loyalty. It helps you identify loyal customers so you can reward them with special perks or incentives. It also helps you identify customers at risk of churning so you can intervene quickly to keep them from leaving.

For example, frequent buyers and repeat purchases from the same account can be identified and targeted with special offers to keep them coming back. You can also use a loyalty program that rewards customers for their loyalty and increases the potential value of each customer.

Inactive customers, conversely, can be offered a coupon code for their next purchase or a free trial of your product to entice them back.

5. Time-Based Segmentation Strategy

Segment customers according to the timing of their actions. If your business is looking to increase the frequency of customer purchases, this type of segmentation is advantageous. You can target customers who haven’t purchased in a while with special offers or promotions to bring them back. Or, you can reward active and loyal customers with discounts or rewards for their frequent purchases.

By using segmentation strategies, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to the needs of specific groups of customers and increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

6. Segmentation by Purchase Behavior

Understand how often customers buy, what they buy when they buy it, and why they choose to purchase from you. This can help you tailor your marketing messages according to customer buying cycles and preferences so that they are more likely to respond positively.

If a customer has had a previous purchase, you may want to create a different email marketing strategy, especially for repeat customers. Show them that you value them as loyal customer, and as such, you can encourage sales or more purchases by giving them a discount code. Targeted emails like this for existing customers with purchase histories can help drive more sales and customer loyalty.

You can also use segmentation to identify customers who have abandoned their carts and create special offers to encourage them to continue with their first purchase. The same with inactive subscribers; they might just be looking for the right incentive to come back. Hence, to push customers back to your online store, you can target them with offers tailored to their past behaviors.

7. Segmentation by Engagement Level

Identify which customers have the highest lifetime value, such as those who have made multiple purchases or interacted with your content on a regular basis. These are usually your most loyal customers and should be treated as such. You can offer a repeat customer with special rewards for their loyalty, such as exclusive discounts or early access to new products from your ecommerce store.

As for inactive users, email marketers can still send out relevant content that may entice them back. This may include content such as informative blog posts, promotional offers, or even seasonal discounts.

8. Segmentation by Interests and Preferences

To segment customers by interests and preferences, you first need to collect data on their likes and dislikes. This can be done through surveys or by tracking customer interactions with your website. You can then group customers according to their interests and send them relevant content that caters to their individual needs.

Typically, an email marketing platform is able to identify customers’ interests and preferences and allows marketers to set up automated campaigns that send out personalized emails based on the customer’s interests.

9. Segmentation by Order Value

This type of segmentation is especially useful for e-commerce businesses that are constantly looking to increase sales. By segmenting customers according to their order value, you can create marketing campaigns that target high-value customers and incentivize them with more exclusive access to products, offers or discounts.

10. Segmentation by Disengagement

This is an uncommon but effective strategy for segmenting customers but by identifying those who have unsubscribed from your emails or haven’t opened your emails in a while, you can send them re-engagement campaigns to win them back. However, it is important to note that you should be sensitive when targeting customers who have already disengaged, as you don’t want to put them off further and risk losing them permanently.

Other Email Marketing Efforts

Utilize A/B Testing to Optimize Performance

Experiment with different subject lines, calls-to-action, and layouts. If you want to take your performance to the next level, look no further than A/B testing. It's the savvy marketer's secret weapon - a way to experiment with different subject lines, calls-to-action, and layouts to determine what resonates best with your audience. With A/B testing, you can push the boundaries of creativity, test your assumptions, and ensure your campaigns are hitting all the right notes.

Leverage Personalization Strategies

In today's world of digital marketing, personalization strategies have become an absolute must. Customers now expect a more personalized experience that caters to their individual needs. One of the simplest and effective ways to do this is by using their names in the subject line of your emails. By doing this, you grab their attention right off the bat and increase the chances of having your email opened and read.


All in all, email marketing segmentation is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses and marketers alike. By having email segmentation strategies in place, businesses can better target their customers with the right content thereby increasing their chances of success. With a solid email segmentation strategy, an e-commerce business can structure their email marketing campaigns to be more effective in reaching the right customers and driving conversions. Interested in e-commerce email marketing services? Contact our team at Bluetuskr, an  e-commerce marketing agency.