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The Ultimate Guide for E-Commerce Sellers: How to Audit Your Ads Like a Pro

Written by Andrew Maff | Aug 14, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Are you an e-commerce seller looking for ways to optimize your digital marketing strategy? Auditing your ads is an essential part of any successful e-commerce business. By taking the time to properly audit and assess all aspects of your  advertising campaigns, including  Google Ads,  Facebook Ads, and other online advert platforms, you can ensure that every dollar you've spent is being used efficiently and effectively.

In this detailed guide for e-commerce sellers, we’ll show you exactly how to audit your ads like a true professional. With our step-by-step approach to auditing different elements of your digital marketing efforts — such as keyword selection, budget allocation strategies, and analytics tracking techniques — you’ll be able to maximize the performance of each campaign while minimizing wasted resources.

We’ll also provide tips on making changes to failed or underperforming campaigns so that they can start delivering results faster than ever before!

What Is an E-Commerce Ad Audit, and Why Does It Matter?

As an e-commerce seller, it’s essential to audit your ads in order to maximize the performance of each campaign while minimizing wasted resources. This entails a comprehensive marketing audit that examines all aspects of your digital marketing efforts and provides insights into how you can optimize them for better results.

A digital marketing audit involves analyzing your current performance data, evaluating the success of each ad campaign, and assessing how well they’re achieving their desired goals. The audit also looks at emerging trends, search engine optimization (SEO) issues, and other factors that could be impacting the outcome of your ads.

In addition to uncovering potential problems or missed opportunities, an e-commerce ad audit can provide valuable insights into what’s working well for you and why.

This insight can help you make smarter decisions about how to best allocate funds and resources in order to get the most out of your digital marketing efforts.

By taking the time to properly take the full measure of different elements of your ad campaigns, you can ensure that each dollar you've invested in digital marketing is being used to the uttermost.

What to Look for During an Ad Audit

When conducting an SEO audit or an ad audit for your online store, there are several key elements to consider. Keyword Selection
Firstly, you should analyze the keywords that are currently being used in your ads and on your website. Keywords should be tailored specifically to your e-commerce company's target audience.

This requires researching short-tail keywords (which are typically more competitive) and  long-tail keywords (which are better for targeting niche audiences) to craft the most effective ad campaigns.

Follow the Success of Individual Ad Campaigns

Once you’ve identified relevant keywords, then it’s time to assess the performance of each individual ad campaign. This should include looking at key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and other key performance indicators (KPIs) for determining how successful a given ad is at generating  new leads.

Deciding on Budget Allocation 

It’s also important to analyze the budget allocation strategies you’re using across all of your campaigns — including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, remarketing, and more — and determine whether they're driving sufficient conversions.


Analyzing Key Metrics

Additionally, review analytics tracking techniques such as UTM codes (for tracking data from specific campaigns) and event tracking pixels (for measuring user engagement with a given page or feature). These should be configured properly in order to gather accurate data.


Pay Attention to the Creative Side

Finally, you’ll want to review the creative elements of your ads — such as copy, images/videos, and overall presentation — and make sure they're consistent with your brand's messaging and values.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Digital Marketing Audit

1. Define Your Goals

Before starting any digital marketing audit, understand what you are trying to achieve and the objectives that need to be met. This will help ensure that all your efforts are focused in the right direction.

This cuts down on wasting any unnecessary time wasted on adverts that fail to align with the overall goals of your company.

2. Research Relevant Keywords

Keyword research tools such as  Google's Keyword Planner and  Ahrefs Keywords Explorer are useful for finding the right keywords to target in your ads. These tools can help you identify which keywords are likeliest to generate the greatest number of clicks and conversions for your e-commerce business.


3. Analyze Budget Allocation 

Once an effective list of keywords has been identified, it is important to analyze how much money is being spent on each campaign and whether or not there is potential for optimization in terms of budget allocation.


It may also be useful to assess any special offers or discounts available from various ad platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or  Bing Ads to further reduce costs while maximizing performance levels.

4. Track Analytics

Analytics tracking is essential for any successful e-commerce business and provides valuable insights into which campaigns are working best and where improvements need to be made.

Various metrics should be tracked, including page views, clicks, conversions, bounce rate, and time spent on the page. Focus not just on "vanity metrics" (i.e., those that look good but don't necessarily correlate with conversions) but rather on metrics that tie into the overall goal of the campaign.5. Understand Customer Data

In addition to tracking data from resources such as Google Analytics, you also need to understand customer data, such as purchase history or buying patterns, in order to identify any potential areas of improvement within your online store’s various marketing strategies.


Having an understanding of customer behavior will enable you to personalize your advertising efforts and improve results across all channels without sacrificing resources.

6. Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends

The digital marketing landscape changes rapidly, with new technologies and  trends emerging all the time. For this reason, it is essential for businesses like yours to stay ahead of competitors by staying abreast of industry news and developments.


This allows you to capitalize on any potential opportunities quickly while minimizing unnecessary costs associated with outdated techniques or strategies.

Making Use of Your Audit Information

When making changes or creating new paid advertising campaigns based on information from an effective marketing audit, consider a few best practices in order to stack the deck in your favor.

Quality Matters More!

First of all, remember to focus on quality over quantity. Quality content gives a better impression than a large number of low-quality ads could ever do. Rather than simply increasing the amount of ads you have running at any given time, focus instead on refining the ones you already have running so they can yield better results and higher conversion rates.


Are Your Keywords on Point?

In addition to focusing on quality content, it’s also important to make sure that the keywords used in your ads are relevant and targeted toward the right audience. The more specific the keyword is and the more closely it relates to what your target audience is looking for, the better chance your ad has of being seen by the right people.


Try New Things

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment! While sticking to a reliable strategy will yield results over time, it can also be beneficial to try something new and innovative in order to stand out from the competition. After all, the key to success in digital marketing is staying ahead of the curve.

Did Your Changes Help?

Even after all of this auditing and ad research, the information-gathering task never ends. Once you've started implementing changes as far as budget allocation, use of specific keywords, and personalization of adverts, you'll need to continue tracking your new and improved ads to see if they've become more effective.

Here are some major tips to keep in mind during the post-change tracking process:

  • Monitor click-through rate (CTR), cost per acquisition (CPA), and average position to measure the success of your changes in your adverts.
  • Use A/B testing to compare and contrast different ad campaigns' performance and potential shortcomings.
  • Analyze user engagement metrics such as time on page, scroll depth, and pages visited to gain insights into how people are interacting with your ads and whether that interaction is contributing to conversions and sales.
  • Track conversions and sales figures over time to gauge whether or not your changes were successful in influencing consumer behavior in a meaningful way beyond "vanity metrics."
  • Evaluate keyword research data during audits to see which terms are most effective for driving traffic and conversions (keyword popularity is changing all the time!).
  • Check analytics from social media platforms for an understanding of how your audience is responding to marketing initiatives on sites such as Facebook.
Examine customer retention rates before and after implementing changes to better understand customer loyalty.

Final Thoughts

Conducting regular digital marketing audits is an essential part of any e-commerce seller's long-term business strategy. A successful paid marketing audit provides helpful insights into areas that can be improved upon for better performance and higher ROI in the field of marketing.

By focusing on quality content over quantity, refining existing campaigns rather than simply increasing the number of ads you have running at once, targeting specific keywords related to your target demographic, and using A/B testing to assess ad campaign performance, you’ll be able to make more informed decisions regarding future campaigns or making updates to existing ones.

Finally, tracking metrics such as CTRs and CPA rates will help you identify whether or not changes made were successful in influencing consumer behavior. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to get the most out of your search engine marketing audit process! Interested in e-commerce paid advertising audit services? Contact our team at Bluetuskr, an  e-commerce marketing agency.