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How To Use The Helium 10 Chrome Extension

Published: April 04, 2023
Author: Andrew Maff

Becoming a seller on Amazon is plenty of work. You must research the platform to identify the best things to sell. There are several pages, sellers, and products to navigate. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when identifying the best product to sell. That’s why you need all the help you can get. 

With the right tool, you can bypass manually searching through Amazon’s pages. Helium 10 is an exciting tool with a single purpose - to help users research numerous web pages. If you researched effective methods to be an Amazon seller, you might have heard about Helium 10. But what is it? And how can you use its chrome extension? Keep reading to find out. 

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What is Helium 10? 

Simply put, Helium 10 is an eCommerce tool entrepreneurs and businesses use. This tool helps to manage and sell products. It can also help you find keywords, optimize ad campaigns, improve listings, etc. This tool will improve your chances as an Amazon seller and allows you to identify essential items to market. Your social media marketing campaigns will be more effective. You can add Helium 10 to your chrome browser as an extension. This tool’s chrome extension is called Helium 10 XRay. 

Helium 10 XRay is an Amazon Product Research software. It disclosed hidden details about products sold on Amazon. You’ll get reliable data about any market niche, including the products that have gained the most attention. You’ll gain access to millions of products and can even view your competitor’s revenue. 

You can use the Helium 10 XRay as a stand-alone application or as a chrome extension. The chrome extension is the recommended alternative because it allows you to navigate Amazon easily. You can instantly retrieve the market data of products in the search results. Helium 10 XRay assigns a success score to each product. This score indicates the worth of the product. This metric is an important indicator of a good product. However, there are other data to rely on. 

How to Set Up Helium 10 Chrome Extension?

To use the Helium 10 chrome extension, you’ll need to navigate to Amazon’s official website. It won’t work on other websites, such as Facebook. 

The following steps will teach you how to add Helium 10 XRay to your chrome; 

  • First, download the Helium 10 XRay from the Chrome store or the application’s official website. The download should be complete in a few minutes. You’ll need to have the chrome browser for this extension to work. 

  • When the download is complete, pushpin the Helium 10 extension. This will attach it to the extension bar. Click the software to launch it. The application will request that you connect your Helium 10 extension to an Amazon Seller account

  • Next, you can visit Amazon’s website and search for your chosen product. With the software’s default settings, you can only view the product’s BSR number, ASIN number, and the number of sellers that currently market the product. Navigate to the extension bar, and click the XRay tool for detailed analysis. 

  • After you open the XRay tool, refresh the webpage for detailed analysis. You can customize your success score settings in the Helium 10 extension. If you select a product, this tool will display its monthly, quarterly and annual search volume. 


New call-to-actionEssential Data Metrics in Helium 10 XRay

These are the essential data metrics for any product you search on this tool; 

Average Revenue: This metric displays the average monthly revenue of listed sellers. It gives you a clear picture of how much you stand to earn from dealing with a product. 

Total Revenue: This metric shows the monthly revenue of a product. It gives sellers a clear understanding of the market size for the products. You’ll also learn how you may fare if you start selling the same product. 

Average BSR: This metric displays current and historical best sellers on the retail platform. It ranks the sellers of products into different categories. This column will also display how well a product performs compared to similar items. 

Average Price: This metric displays the average price of similar products. It’s a useful indicator for sellers to set their prices. 

Average Reviews: This metric displays the average number of reviews every seller gets. It’s split according to product categories. Sellers can find out if a product is worth their efforts through popular reviews from past buyers. High average reviews may be an indicator of the competitiveness of the product. 

Success Score: This metric indicates a product's success on the retail platform. This information is split into different categories. The success score of any product is displayed in the form of stars. The higher the number of stars, the more successful the product. Products with three stars and above are considered ideal alternatives for business. However, they may be the most competitive items to sell. 

What is the Accuracy of the Helium 10 XRay? 

The Helium 10 chrome extension is designed to help you analyze market activities on Amazon. But what’s the relative accuracy of its metrics? 

Helium 10 XRay records relevant metrics using sales, BSR, and product revenue. Amazon does not reveal the algorithms used on its platform. So, data extracted from the online retail giant will not be 100% accurate. Detailed studies of the XRay software show that its data is accurate up to 95%. 

A brief test in the Baby Product category revealed the following; 

  • Actual Units Sold: 657
  • Units Sold displayed on XRay: 627
  • FBA Fee Accuracy: 98.6%
  • Sales Accuracy: 95.4%

Essential Features on Helium 10 XRay

The following are additional features found on Helium 10 XRay; 

ASIN Grabber

As its name implies, the ASIN Grabber will help you capture the ASIN of your competitors. You can select and copy multiple ASIN at the same time. This feature is useful when researching your competitors. It’s also effective to identify your target audience for PPC or third-party ads with this tool. This feature helps sellers identify the best-selling items for a particular period. 

Profitability Calculator

The profitability calculator will determine profit or loss based on the cost of the product. You’ll have better information to set the final selling price of your product. You can also use this tool to calculate the initial prices of goods, storage fees, taxes, shipping costs, etc. 

Using the profitability calculator, you’ll know whether a product is worth selling. A product with a too-low margin will only lead to losses. You’ll always struggle to make anything out of it. This feature will automatically generate most of the information, but there’s room for manual entry too. 

When checking through the profitability calculator, you may notice different storage fees. This may be due to the time of the year the products were stored. Amazon charges different storage fees for summer and winter months. The storage fees you pay may affect your profit. Therefore, pay attention to them. 

Inventory Levels

This feature displays variations in stock inventory over a particular time frame. Most sellers don’t bother to use this feature. Amazon sellers set a quantity limit for the products in their inventory. It may remain unchanged for some time. However, it’s useful for spying on the inventory levels of your competitors. You’ll learn how much to stock to maintain a good sales flow for that product. 

Review Downloader

The review downloader, also known as Review Insights, shows reviews of products sold by competitors. This feature is useful because it lets you learn about competitors' mistakes. You can also export reviews to use for future trends. You can easily sort through thousands of reviews based on these parameters; period, behavior, and ratings. Use the information you’ve gained in your listings to gain an advantage over competitors. 

Pros and Cons of Helium 10 XRay

The pros and cons of the Helium 10 chrome extension are ; 


  • Helium 10 XRay is easy to install and does not require payment to function (free account)

  • Sellers can perform real-time analysis on Amazon

  • This tool will provide several data metrics, including average revenue, average BSR, reviews, success score, and average price

  • This tool features in-built SEO and marketing tools

  • This tool allows sellers directly pull data from Amazon

  • This tool can give a general overview of products in a particular category



  • Helium 10 Chrome extension lags, and it can be quite annoying 

  • You'll need to subscribe to gain optimal data from the Helium 10 XRay. 



And that’s all on how to use the Helium 10 Chrome extension. This product will help you with product research on Amazon. You’ll learn important details about different products. First-time sellers would enjoy using this tool before they start a business. You’ll learn essential information, such as sales history, profit margin, price history, and product reviews. Download this extension today if you’re ready to take your seller experience to the next level. 

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