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10 Guarantee Ways to Increase Email Click-through Rate for Ecommerce Sellers

Published: July 31, 2023
Author: Andrew Maff

Email marketing plays a vital role in the success of eCommerce sellers, but it's important to acknowledge the challenges they face. In 2021, the average email open rate stood at a mere 2.3%, and the click-through rate across all industries was even lower. This indicates the need for effective strategies to enhance email click-through rates and maximize your conversion rates.

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To achieve this, there are several proven techniques that can be implemented. Employing mobile-responsive email templates ensures that your emails are visually appealing and accessible on various devices. Leveraging automated emails allows you to send personalized and timely messages to your subscribers, increasing the chances of click-throughs.

A/B testing enables you to experiment with different email elements and optimize them based on performance, improving engagement. Segmenting your email list based on specific demographics or behaviors allows you to tailor your messages and offers to different customer segments, boosting relevance and click-through rates.

Clear and compelling calls to action are essential in motivating recipients to take action. By crafting persuasive copy in your marketing emails, you can effectively communicate the value and benefits of your products or services.

Recognize that email campaigns are an integral part of omnichannel marketing. They rely on a secondary platform, such as your website or a social media channel, to grow your email subscriber list. This integrated approach ensures a cohesive customer experience and maximizes your reach.

By implementing the optimization tips outlined in this article, you'll not only boost your overall email marketing efforts but also raise click-through rates, ultimately leading to increased sales and conversions.

10 Guaranteed Ways to Get More Email Click-throughs for E-commerce Brands

Your emails compete for the reader’s attention, as they must be engaging enough for an open click. The average internet user sieves through 100 to 120 emails daily. Standout or expected emails make it to the click-to-open rate before adding to the click-through rate.

Email engagement should be a priority during email marketing campaigns. The message should be just as important as reaching customers. That includes the email subject lines and the calls to action.

A simple click-through rate formula tells how many subscribers open your emails compared to the number that receives them. The success of email campaigns is not dependent on loyal customers alone. Instead, it also shows how many new customers you can onboard.

We’ve found a few ways to increase the click-through rate of your email marketing campaigns. They include the following:


Reward for Opt Into Your Subscriber List

Signing up for email lists is often free. However, your customers must know what benefits they gain by joining your list.

These advantages must be clearly stated while encouraging customers to drop their email addresses. A few you can use include the following:

  • Early access to new products

  • Personalized discounts

  • Free weekly tips on customer pain points

The advantages will vary depending on your services or products. This stage helps you expand your list and acquire more customer data.Hence, you’ll have more people to send your marketing messages to.

Reaching more customers during a marketing campaign increases your chances for higher email click-through rates. That is because more people will see it.


Optimize for Mobile Devices

Today’s email marketing software can preview messages before sending them out. They also have templates for mobile devices.

Research shows that 41.6% of clients open emails on a mobile device, compared to 16.2% on desktop computers. That usage statistic indicates how essential optimizing and making email mobile-friendly is. Some argue that you should use a mobile-first approach during marketing campaigns.

Mobile devices generated 60% of website visits compared to desktops and tablets. That is another pointer to back up our insistence on optimizing your marketing campaign for mobile.

A majority of your email recipients will open it on their smartphones. They will click on the provided links if the message is engaging and optimized enough for viewing on a smartphone.

Send Welcome Email Immediately After Sign-up

Welcome emails establish your business in the minds of your customers. You should send them after new customers sign up for your service.

What are the chances of a new customer recognizing your brand if you send a message days after signing up? A welcome email immediately reminds the client of you.

This approach softens the landing for future emails. You’ve established your brand in the minds of customers. Hence, they will be more receptive and likely to click through to your website.

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Improve Deliverability

Deliverability is one of the most essential email marketing benchmarks for eCommerce brands. It determines the likelihood of emails appearing in your clients’ inboxes. Plus, you won’t get user clicks if the messages are not showing where they are supposed to.

This is where your “sender reputation” comes into play, as internet service providers can block you if your content or domain is deemed untrustworthy. Other filters can send your emails to the spam folder instead of the inbox. Here are a few ways you can improve your sender reputation and boost deliverability:

  • Authenticate your eCommerce email domain with Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Sender Policy Framework (SPF).

  • Use the proper IP address.

  • Use double opt-in when onboarding new clients.

  • Use non-spammy email subject lines. Clients can place spam complaints on your emails.

  • Create a preference center for customers to take control of frequency.

  • Clean your list regularly and remove unresponsive email addresses.

Your email click-through rate will increase if your deliverability gets better. That means your messages appear where needed instead of being blocked or sent to the spam folder.


Automate Your Responses

Email marketing automation captures the element of time to boost engagement. Setting up automated emails is one way of doing that.

However, tailoring the messages to your target audience can be challenging. For example, using personalized subject lines.

Artificial intelligence can help you process customer data. You can also set up customer behavior to trigger follow-up messages.

This approach does not wait for an email campaign. Instead, it operates when customers visit your website or social media pages. Automated responses include:

  • Thank you emails after a purchase

  • Discounts after viewing your product pages

  • Retargeting after leaving the shopping cart without purchasing

These messages can immediately reach your email clients. Automating them will increase your email click-through rate. That is because customers will receive them when they are due.

Test Content

A significant determinant of success in an email campaign is testing and removing what is not working. You can’t keep spending resources on emails that don’t give you high click-through rates.

A/B testing involves sending different messages and measuring their click-through rates. Then, you can eliminate the message with the lower rate and increase efforts on the one with higher returns.

You can test email subject lines, the body, and the design. Any aspect of your message that allows for variation can be tested.

Testing the email subject line can increase the click-to-open rate. However, the email click-through rate primarily depends on how engaging your message is.


Segmentation and Personalization

Email segmentation involves providing key information to the right customers. For example, customers close to your fulfillment center might not need free shipping. That advantage can be given to customers far away from you.

Segmenting your list before an email campaign improves your chances of higher engagement. The more your clients engage with your message, the higher your email click-through rate will be.

The subject line, body, and calls to action will change as you segment and personalize the emails. In addition, you will capture readers' attention better.

Make Calls to Action Conspicuous

How prominent is the call to action in your email? This is the primary determinant of email click-through rates. Hence, your call to action should be conspicuous and well-placed.

Avoid text links as calls to action. Instead, use adequately sized buttons.

You can place more than one call to action in an email. One could lead to your website, and another to your social media links. Nonetheless, the essential one should have prominence over the rest.

Calls to action lead to landing pages and are often placed after the body of the email. You can place them within the content when necessary.

Write Engaging Copy

Why would a customer spend time on a blog post or product page? Engagement is directly proportional to copies. That is why you must create content around pain points.

A user immediately searches for relevance the moment an email arrives. You can get a high click-to-open rate but lower click-through rates.

Content marketing is not limited to your website or social media blog post. It is also an essential component in increasing email click-through rates.

Include a sense of urgency. That ensures the customer clicks the link immediately instead of holding off until later.

Use Visuals

Images can enhance the visual appeal of your emails. They can also influence the conversion rates when customers come to your website. However, you must manage visuals within the acceptable email width.

You can create content with images or illustrations. That leaves a more lasting impression than text. Hence, customers will be encouraged to click on your website or social media links.



It is one thing to get customers to opt-in to your email service and another to increase email click-through rates. The email click-through rate primarily depends on engagement and relevance.

First, you must keep the readers' attention long enough in the email. That ensures they read through your message. Then, they will click on the links that are relevant to them.

Content marketing can be a powerful tool for increasing your email click-through rates. You don’t need to wait for a marketing campaign before taking steps. Instead, provide relevant content to keep customers engaged with your brand.

Test different subject lines. The click-to-open rate shows how customers feel about them. Then, you can ditch the less-performing ones and pour resources into the promising ones.

Interested in e-commerce email marketing services? Contact our team at Bluetuskr, an e-commerce marketing agency.

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