Whiteboard Sessions

How Leading E-commerce Sellers Create So Much Content

Written by Andrew Maff | Dec 13, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Whiteboard Sessions with me Andrew Maff. I'm the founder and CEO of BlueTuskr are a full-service digital marketing company for E-commerce sellers. And today I'm going to talk to you about how these real big E-commerce sellers create so much content.

And it's not obviously just e-commerce sellers, because I'm not currently an E-commerce seller. Granted, I work with them. But hell, I'm doing it right now, this is going to be kind of like Inception because I'm going to basically be doing what I'm going to show you that we do here. So this is essentially how all these big guys are creating so much content. And yet, it seems like they're not spending that much time actually creating content.



Create A Large Video Content

So it's all going to start with one giant piece of content, right? And by giant, I'm really mean like a video, that's probably between 30 minutes to an hour-long, right? So we're gonna say like one big old video, right? So we're just gonna say it's 30 to an hour 30 to 60 minutes. And this could be about anything.

So if you're an E-commerce seller, I always get a question about like, you know, we're selling products we can't think of like videos to do and things like that, especially nothing, no dice this long, we're not doing shows, we're not a media company. But what I'm really referring to is this could be a lot of different things.

So think about interviewing influencers that are in your space, think about potentially walking through the entire manufacturing process, think about interviewing employees, think about going through, if you're some if you're doing sustainability, or something along those lines, creating a big video around that, I'm talking about just taking the time to create one big video.

Now, if you can actually process this whole thing out, you can actually get it down to if you're the founders of your business, and you're the one who's creating these videos, you should be able to get this down to the fact where you kind of just show up, do the video, leave and your team takes it over, which is another video, we'll talk about another time about processing this out.

But essentially, we're going to start with this one big video, right. So let's just say this is an interview with an influencer that's in your space. So we're gonna break this down into several different ways. So we got to think about the video content we need, we need to think about audio that we need. We have to think about the imagery that we need. There's basic photography, and then what we kind of just refer to as like written word. So we'll just call it written, right. So these are all the different things that we need.

Now, this giant piece of content is going to supply so much of this, that it's actually going to make it beneficial. We're in about a 30 to 60-minute video, you have enough content for probably a month or so.



Image Content

So the first thing we're gonna talk about is imagery, right? So this one's super straightforward, because basically, what we're gonna do is we're gonna take screenshots from this video, and depending on you know how much of a setup you have available to you, you might have had a photographer available or something along those lines.


But let's just say that, we're basically just going to take some screenshots, and now you're going to think that this is useful for this could be if you have the product and the video, this could obviously be useful for you know, product imagery, this can be useful for so much different social imagery, this can be useful for like newsletters and emails. Man, there's so much more.

So this could really just be broken down into like, just take screenshots of these pictures, and or in many cases, applications where you can clean up the image itself and be able to utilize it in so many different situations. So for example, right now, something that we do internally is when we create these big videos, so like this video right here, right, my team is going to take a bunch of screenshots from this video, and they're going to actually just start to schedule them out over social. And they're going to take some of the quotes that I say, and that's going to be the copy that they use.

So now I have social posts for probably a good month. Now we're not going to shove them all into one month. But we're going to ease these out over the next however long and then what the other thing we might do is take a screenshot from this and add it into our newsletter, in which case, there's another screenshot and another section of a newsletter that just got taken. And it's also going to have the copy there. In fact, they might even use this quote exactly, which will be very like Inception.



Video Content

So now we talk about video, right? So it's a big video, so we already have a video, but how much more can we really utilize this. So the next thing we're going to do is take that entire video and put it up on YouTube, right so super straightforward YouTube. So you know, that's obviously where a lot of videos are going. If you have a Vimeo account, great, put it there.

We're also going to take the entire video and we're gonna throw it up on IGTV or Instagram video, whatever they've called it now because I know they're changing the name of it. But this is where this long-form. So I'm just gonna say Recall that long-form where this entire video basically gets uploaded. Now you have limitations on IGTV. So this might be a little bit too big.


Breakdown The Long Video

So you might have to break this down into like a half or cut it up or something like that. But this is where you can actually post these long-form videos. But now, what we got to talk about is where else can we use this video. So again, what's gonna happen as soon as I finish this video, my team is going to upload it to YouTube, they're going to take clips of it as one big like 10-15 minute clip and upload it to Instagram TV, or Instagram, video, whatever they call now, and then what they're gonna do is they're gonna use their own judgment, or they're going to ask me, and they're going to break this up into as many one minutes or fewer clips that they possibly can.

15 seconds is obviously great if we're doing Instagram stories, or if we're doing you know, we're doing Tiktok and go a little bit longer than that same with Reels. But there are so many social benefits to this is where you can essentially just chop up this video into little pieces, and actually have content on social for a very long time. This video that I'm creating right here is a process that I've been doing for years now it hasn't has been optimized and adjusted but hasn't truly changed.

So this is kind of an evergreen piece for me, right. So what's going to happen is my team is going to break this up. And they're going to spread this out over the next six months of just video that they'll actually be able to use on social media. So if you're you might even be watching this on social media, and it will tell you exactly how I'm doing this, right. So this is going to be one big video, probably about 10-15 minutes long, depending on where you land here. And then there's just going to break it up into probably if it's a 10 or 15-minute video, there's probably going to be a good six to 10 different clips, we'll be able to use on social varying between 10 to 15 seconds long up to you know, almost to a minute.

So that's going to work on Facebook and Instagram. And then depending on how deep we get with some of these, you know, sellers can take this and go put it up on their own LinkedIn. So that's going to be a little bit more towards, which is obviously still relevant to social. But in this case, I'm talking about your personal LinkedIn. So that's P for personal. So this will be really beneficial for sellers who might be more on the b2b side or sellers who are selling things that are related to business like office supplies or something like that this would obviously be pretty beneficial.



Audio Content

But there's a ton of other ways, obviously, that you can do this now on the audio side, right. So this is the same concept, except the one big thing would be a podcast. So in this case, since we're doing this whole thing, like a giant Inception video, this video we won't use for our podcast because it's not how I like to do the podcast.


But usually what will happen is our podcasts are filmed just like this is in which case, we're going to take that audio and we're gonna take that video, we're gonna do this whole thing or take the imagery, we're gonna do all that we're also going to take that audio, we're gonna turn it into a podcast.

Now I know a lot of people who are like, Why would I do a podcast, you know, even as an E-commerce seller, it's not something that would be relevant. But you're so wrong. There are influencers there an interview, there are things relevant to your, to your category that you can discuss, like, if you're watching this comment, tell me what your product line is. And I will bet you I can come up with a decent idea for you to figure out to actually host your own podcast.

But this is obviously one way to break it out if you wanted to. Now, there's also a couple of other ways where you can sort of leverage video, and as well as not so much imagery, but a little bit more on the video side, where basically what you can do for the social side, just to change it up a little bit is we'll actually take and I should have prepared for what the name is here. But it kind of looks like SoundCloud, iTunes, SoundCloud how it's got as you know, your music notes and whatever. And then it fills it up.

As the audio goes on, you can find different apps that will create stuff like this for you. And you can just upload the audio itself. And sometimes my team will take this stuff, and we'll utilize it in social. So we're doing this for other sellers. Basically what happens is they'll create this video, we'll break out the audio into a podcast, and then we'll grab like quick like one-minute audio clips. And we'll use this just to break up some of the videos because sometimes it's a little bit interesting to just try something different. But this is how we would do that with audio.



Written Content

And then the written side, this is where it gets it gets interesting because we'll actually leverage a lot of this stuff. So the most obvious is we're going to turn this into a blog right now, depending on the piece we're talking about, this could be a pillar piece. So if you're doing SEO, which, again, is probably gonna be another video, what you're gonna want to create is one giant blog post that has a ton of information on it that is really, really in-depth about a specific strategy, or in your case would be specific product line, something that you're discussing anything that you're going over, and then what you're going to want to do, which so basically what we would, what we would end up doing is taking this video, bringing it transcribed.

So we're going to use there's a ton of different companies out there that do it. There's Otter, there's rev.com, and they're very, very inexpensive to get it transcribed for you. I then have an editor go through and just make sure that it did it correctly and we'll kind of restructure things to make it read perfectly, but then we'll add additional information You know, we'll add in paragraphs about other stuff that maybe I hadn't discussed, or maybe that, you know, you didn't discuss, you go in and add extra stuff.



But then with this blog, what we're gonna do is we're going to tackle the different things that we talked about. So again, just to kind of keep the whole Inception vibe going, what we're gonna end up doing with this one is we're gonna, we're going to end up transcribing this. And we're going to put it on this blog, and the whole transcription on the end there with additional information. But then what we're going to most likely end up doing here is creating separate blogs about how to create additional imagery, or how to come up with ideas for additional video, or how to come up with ideas for additional audio.

So now all of a sudden, I'm now at four blogs that I've been able to make just from this one blog, and from this one video. So the other side of this too, what we're going to do with specifically with this blog right here is I'm going to take my link to the podcast review podcast, there's different like audio players that you can embed on the blog, you can take the YouTube video and embed it on the blog as well, I always suggest embedding a YouTube video so that it's not hosted on your own website, so it doesn't slow it down.

And then, of course, taking any kind of the imagery that you've taken here, and using that just I'm just gonna cut through there, using that as your blog banner or just screenshots throughout the video or throughout the blog post that it's a little bit different to change things up. So now we're leveraging a lot of this other information that we have into this blog. Now we have this giant blog post, along with several other blogs that are going to reference all this content as well.

And with all of this information now we've taken a 30 to 60-minute video and I have enough imagery to last me a couple of months, I have enough video to last me about a month I have audio for the situation that will probably last a couple of weeks. And then if it's a podcast, it's obvious once a week or however often you're doing it some podcasts really once a month. And then I have four articles, which depending on how often you're publishing could be once a week.

So now I have four articles to work with me over the next month. So basically, you could take 30 minutes to an hour of your day, and then have enough content to last you for at least a month. So this is exactly how a lot of these sellers are creating all this content, especially when they're kind of doing these bigger videos.

So whenever you see clips on social media, and then they have YouTubes, and they have a podcast and they have all these blogs, and they're pumping out all this content and you're just trying to figure out how do they have the time to do all this stuff. Really, all they did was take 30 to 60 minutes out of their day and create one big piece of content and then just chop it up so that they can put it on the different channels.

So that is exactly how that's done. Go do it. So if you're thinking of anything else that I might have missed here, of course, please comment let me know if there's something you would like me to cover in the future. Of course also comment, rate review, subscribe. We come out of these on a weekly basis. So, of course, I will see you all next time and I appreciate you joining me.



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