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Benefits of SEO for E-commerce websites - Updated 2023

April 26, 2023 | Author:  Cassidy Burns


E-commerce SEO is a complex form of marketing. It's a process that many businesses use to increase their website traffic and conversions rates, but it often requires more than just your standard SEO practices. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of e-commerce SEO and how you can improve yours!

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What Is Search Engine Optimization (Seo) For E-Commerce?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy that involves the process of affecting the online visibility of an e-Commerce website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid results or organic search—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results.

e-Commerce SEO entails ensuring that your website is user-friendly, optimized for conversions, and designed to increase organic search traffic. The ultimate goal of e-Commerce SEO is to improve the number of visitors to a website by obtaining high rankings in the results pages generated by search engines.



How Does E-Commerce Benefit Seo?

There are several benefits associated with e-Commerce SEO, including better visibility on Google, increased site usability (and thus conversion rates), faster page load speeds, and more positive sentiment from users who stumble upon your products thanks to an improved organic ranking position. To further discuss each of these benefits, let's take a closer look at each one.


Higher Search Rankings Result In More Visitors 

Research shows that fewer than 50% of consumers make it past the first web page when searching for local services or products online—meaning you can lose almost half of your potential customers right off the bat. On the first page alone, the top five organic results receive 67.60% of all clicks.

However, if you are able to rank on page one for specific keywords related to your products or services in search engines such as Google and Bing, in that case, you'll likely see a noticeable increase in traffic without having to invest money into paid advertising campaigns.

According to Neil Patel, e-Commerce websites on the number one spot in search engine results tends to get the most traffic (20.5%). This means you can expect to double your website's daily visitors as soon as your products start showing up on users' search results pages!

Higher Rankings Brings In More Conversions

If you are able to rank higher in search results, visitors will likely be more confident about your products or services. After all, if they've never heard of you before stumbling upon your website on Google, then how can they trust that your e-commerce business is legitimate?

As a result, users are 85% more likely to buy something from an e-Commerce site if it's listed on page one in the search results. According to Kissmetrics, if you can boost your e-commerce website's conversion rates by even just five percent, it could increase sales revenue by 25% or more.

SEO For E-Commerce Reduces The Need For Paid Ads


SEO For E-Commerce Reduces The Need For Paid Ads

Search engine optimization can help boost your website's user experience by making it faster, more intuitive, and easier to navigate. As a result of receiving highly targeted traffic from Google search results alone, you won't have to spend money on paid advertising campaigns that do the same thing.

For example—if someone is searching for "red leather handbags" online, they're likely looking to purchase one right away instead of just getting inspiration or ideas about what they want their new accessory collection to look like. By ranking high in organic search results (and providing visitors with exactly what they are looking for), e-Commerce SEO helps companies cut back on expensive ad budgets and focus resources elsewhere.


E-Commerce Seo Doesn't Require A Large Budget

SEO for e-Commerce websites doesn't require the massive marketing budgets that are often associated with other types of businesses. Instead, companies can opt to allocate funds in different ways or spend more time on search engine optimization efforts themselves (since hiring an outside agency is not always necessary).

The good news is that it's relatively easy to rank high in organic search results—especially if you have already implemented some basic SEO strategies into your site design and content development process. All you need to do is focus on creating compelling product descriptions, internal links between pages, anchor text backlinks from trusted domains, etc.), build on relevant keywords, invest in off-page SEO, and wait for the results to start rolling in.

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SEO For E-Commerce Increases Brand Awareness

e-Commerce SEO is a great way to promote your products online and increase brand awareness among potential customers who are actively looking for what you have on offer. In fact, nearly 25% of all organic clicks go toward established brands—meaning if your company's website isn't optimized from an e-commerce SEO perspective, then you could be missing out on a lot of potential sales.

Additionally, search engines are the most popular way for consumers to find products online. In fact, because so many people rely on search engines to do their online shopping, e-Commerce SEO is a great way to get your brand in front of more users and build trust with your target audience.

E-commerce SEO aids in targeting consumers who have certain needs.

e-Commerce SEO can help companies connect with consumers who are actively looking for their products on search engines. As a result of investing in e-Commerce SEO, brands tend to attract higher-quality traffic by targeting users who already need their product offerings. In other words, not only do organic rankings lead directly to increased sales revenues (by making it easier for customers to find relevant information fast), but this type of targeted traffic also means that you won't have to worry about wasting resources on customers who don't need your products after all.

Key Factors To A Successful e-Commerce Search Engine Optimization Strategy


Key Factors To A Successful e-Commerce Search Engine Optimization Strategy

While e-Commerce SEO isn't always easy, there are some simple steps that you can take to boost your website's organic search rankings and get results quickly.


Optimized Site Structure = Improved User Experience & Higher Rankings

If e-Commerce websites are properly optimized from an SEO standpoint. In that case, this has a direct impact on rankings and increases both usability and conversion rates because customers have a better overall online shopping experience.


Faster Page Load Times = More Conversions 

40% of consumers expect websites to load within two seconds or less! If the average page takes more than three seconds to load, you can expect a loss of 60% or more in sales.

Not only are slow loading times frustrating for users, but it also hurts your organic SEO rankings because Google uses site speed as one of its 200+ ranking factors.


A More User-friendly Site = Higher Conversions

In addition to being user-friendly and easy to navigate, having a website optimized for conversions can directly impact the number of sales or purchases made from visitors landing on each page. In other words, not only will users be more likely to buy or add items into their shopping carts when they come across an e-Commerce site with high rankings, but they'll also be less likely to abandon those carts before making a purchase! 


Updated and Relevant Content = Higher Search Rankings

It's also important to remember that Google and other search engines place more weight on updated, relevant content on listings. This means it isn't enough to simply list your products online: you need to make sure they're not only easy for users to find but informative as well (which will help them feel confident about their purchase decisions).

Keyword Research = Search Queries 

Keyword Research = Search Queries 

Keywords are essentially the search queries that users enter into search engines when looking for a particular product or service. In fact, Google looks at keywords as one of the main factors when determining whether a website has relevant and accurate content for any given topic.

In order to optimize your e-Commerce SEO strategy, it's important that you conduct keyword research early on in the process. This will help ensure that you're targeting the right search queries and long-tail keywords to use to increase your chances of ranking higher in organic searches ultimately.

This also means looking at keyword data and the search volume for the industry, as well as reviewing what other companies in your space are ranking for—and how often they're getting clicks. This way, you'll know which search queries to target, what your competition looks like, and which keywords to use for specific product pages.

There are various SEO tools you can use for e-commerce keyword research, but some of the most popular ones are Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Keywordtool.io.


Local SEO = Attract Customers in Local Areas

This doesn't only mean optimizing for Google Maps but also taking steps to improve your visibility on other local search engines like Bing, Yahoo!, and Yelp. Not only that, but you should make sure to list yourself not just as a business (e.g., "ABC Moving Company") but by the specific products or services offered ("Best Movers in Chicago"). This helps increase brand awareness amongst potential customers looking for what you offer locally and can also help boost your organic rankings within your locality. This works best for e-Commerce websites that might offer products relevant to a specific geographic location.


SEO Marketing = Traffic and Increased Conversions

Even if you have the best product in the world, no one will know about it unless you drive traffic to your website. SEO Marketing helps businesses attract more visitors by ensuring that their e-Commerce website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This also means using the right content marketing tactics and tools (e.g., blogging) to help improve user experience, keep users on your site longer, get them sharing your content on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook, etc.—all of which can ultimately lead to more traffic and increased conversions!

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Link Building = Higher Site Authority

This is one of the most important e-Commerce SEO strategies to focus on. Links are essentially a site's "credibility" and Google looks at them as a way to measure how valuable your website is deemed by other websites that link back to it. In order for search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo! to determine which sites have the most authority, they look at the number and quality of inbound links (i.e., how many other sites are linking back to your website).

Effective link-building strategies include publishing great content on industry blogs or news sites that you can get linked to from others within your space. You should also aim to acquire editorial links by reaching out to reputable media sites and news outlets. This will not only increase your site's authority but can also help improve your e-Commerce SEO strategy in general.


Google Analytics = Better Insights into Site Traffic 

Finally, one of the best ways for e-Commerce companies to really get a sense of how their site is performing from an SEO standpoint is by using Google's free analytics service: Google Analytics. By setting up Google Analytics, you can learn more about your website traffic, including where it's coming from (e.g., organic searches or referral links), what pages are getting the most visits, and how long users are staying on them, etc.

This is crucial because e-Commerce SEO doesn't just mean driving more visitors to your site but making sure they're engaging with your content and sticking around for a while. Google Analytics will allow you to see which pages might be turning away visitors or not providing the right content so that you can improve them. You should also be using Google Analytics to track your site's bounce rate, conversion rate, and goal conversions to help you determine what pages aren't working and how you can better improve them.

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E-Commerce SEO is a Growing Trend That Can Dramatically Improve Your Business' Online Presence

According to research from Search Engine Watch, organic searches account for nearly 70% of all traffic in the US alone—and this percentage continues to rise each year which is why e-commerce businesses who invest in good SEO strategies will be able to capitalize on this trend and experience a dramatic change to their bottom line and overall revenue: more traffic, higher conversions, better site authority (and therefore rankings), and ultimately more sales.  Searching for an e-commerce marketing agency? Contact our team at BlueTuskr to discuss an e-commerce SEO service that's right for you. 



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