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How to Use Product Videos to Grow Your Amazon Sales - Updated 2023

Published: April 26, 2023
Author: Guest


Amazon shoppers are more likely to buy a product if they see it in action. 

That's where product videos come in. They help convince customers that whatever they're purchasing is worth the money, and they make it easy for people buying something online for the first time to feel confident about their purchase.

In fact, 94% of marketers from a survey found videos have helped them increase their understanding of a product. If you plan to create product videos for your e-commerce listing on Amazon, you must do it right. 

This article explains the benefits of using product videos, the types of videos you can create, and some best practices to boost your Amazon sales.

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Why use product videos on Amazon

Product videos are essential to any online store or brand's marketing strategy. They give potential customers an insight into the products they're considering buying and can help them make informed decisions about which products they want.



They help customers understand what your product does and how it works

  • They provide valuable information about your brand 

  • They drive sales as people get to envision themselves using the item or using it with other scenarios in their life through videos

Who can add product videos to their Amazon listings

Not all Amazon sellers have the option to add product videos to their Amazon listings. The option is not widely available to most sellers in Europe and the UK and is only limited to a few vendors.

  1. Only marketplace sellers who have their brand registered on Amazon’s registry can add product videos
  2. Vendors with unregistered brands can only add review videos

Types of product videos you can feature on Amazon

How-to videos

How-to videos are product videos that show how to use a product. 



If you're selling a complicated piece of technology—for example: a kitchen gadget that's difficult to explain with words alone—a how-to video can be an excellent way to help potential customers understand why your product is worth their time and money.

How-to videos also work well when you want to ensure that your customers are using the product correctly. For example, if you're selling yoga mats, you can create a short video showing them how they should fold up their mats so they'll get maximum longevity.

Product overviews

Product overview videos serve as the ‘sales pitch’ for your product and help increase product sales.

They explain what the product does, how it works, and what makes it different from similar products. JHJIP


Product overview videos should focus on:

  1. The problem the product solves. What's wrong with the way things are now? Why is there a need for this new solution? Is there a gap in an existing marketplace? If so, what are competitors doing well or poorly? Is there an opportunity for improvement?
  2. How it works (or doesn't work). 
  3. What are customers' biggest concerns about buying this type of item online without seeing or touching it firsthand—can they trust that they'll get exactly what they expect when they receive their order? 
  4. Do you offer returns and exchanges if the product doesn’t work as expected? What are the terms and conditions?

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Narrative videos are a great way to explain a product, especially if it’s complex or has multiple uses. This type of video is typically used for products with lots of moving parts, such as tools and gadgets. 

If you have something like this in your inventory, consider using a narrator to describe the item’s features and benefits—and then show them on screen. This approach can help you create an engaging video without paying for expensive stock footage or animation.

Demo videos

Demo videos are a great way to show how to use a product. You can record yourself using the product or hire someone else to do it for you. HVG


  • Demo videos can be long or short, depending on what you want your viewers to see.

  • They are useful for products that are difficult to use and help make complicated processes more straightforward. For example, if someone is looking at buying a new laptop stand but isn't sure how to set it up, they might want some help figuring it out before making the purchase.

Comparison videos

Comparison videos are a great way to show the difference between your product and the competitors’. These videos can drastically increase your sales, as they're usually used at the point when shoppers are about to make their final decision.

  1. First, you'll need to research similar products on Amazon's site and find the ones that would be most relevant for your audience. 
  2. Then compare those products' features and benefits with those of yours. 
  3. Show why your product is better than theirs by highlighting key differences in function or value—e.g., "This hot tub has twice as many jets," or "Our yoga mat stays grippy even after use."
  4. If you have a unique feature or an obvious benefit that sets you apart from everyone else, this is a great place to highlight it. 
  5. You may even want to include customer reviews on top of just talking about what makes you special. This helps people get an idea of how good (or bad) things are going for people who have already bought what you sell.

Best practices to boost your Amazon Sales using Product Videos

Ever seen a product video on Amazon and been disappointed? 

The sound quality is poor, the camera angle doesn't show off the product well, or the words are mumbled. With some effort and planning, you can create engaging and high-quality videos that will sell more units than ever.

Generate subtitles for videos

Subtitled videos can dramatically impact your engagement on Amazon:

  1. They’re easier to access for anyone—especially for someone hard of hearing or speaks English as a second language
  2. They increase your ranking on Amazon’s search engine
  3. You can easily generate foreign dubs for your videos if you’re a business that ships internationally
  4. Viewers are able to get a more clear sense of the product and the message you’re conveying through the video

Happy Scribe’s automatic subtitle generator software is an excellent way of generating subtitles without going through hours and hours of manual captioning. It helps you develop highly accurate subtitles in multiple languages within a few minutes. 

Some best practices to follow:

  1. Try to avoid fonts that are too small or too large. A good rule of thumb is if you have trouble reading the text on your mobile phone screen, then that's a sign that it may be too small for viewers watching at home on their big screens. 
  2. Avoid using bold or italicized text in subtitles unless absolutely necessary. These styles can make text harder for viewers to read quickly.
  3. Always proofread the subtitles to ensure 100% accuracy.
  4. Use SEO keywords to become more searchable on Amazon listings.

Presentation is everything

To ensure your video quality is at its best, you'll want to use a tripod. This helps keep the camera steady for the duration of your video, which will minimize any shaky footage. You can also use software to stabilize your footage in post-production that smoothes out clips and makes even poorly shot footage look more professional.

One of the most important steps is assembling all the elements of your video in advance and figuring out how they'll all fit together. It’ll help you think through what you want to say and how you want to say it.

Your plan should include:

  1. A brief description of what you'll cover in the video, including any visuals that need to be included.
  2. The duration of each section.
  3. You must always have a script prepared so that once everything else is ready for finalizing, there's no guesswork involved.

Check Amazon’s standards before everything

Before planning your first video, make sure you’re acquainted with Amazon’s video content policy and know the dos and don’ts. 

Not following proper standards will force Amazon to reject your video. Here are some factors you must consider to avoid that:

  1. Do not include any inaccurate information or claims in your video
  2. Keep it friendly— do not be harsh or call out your competition 
  3. Clearly mention any time-sensitive information such as offers, pricing, shipping, and estimated delivery
  4. Avoid posting controversial content that might hurt a community’s sentiments

Boost your Amazon sales with product videos

Having great Amazon product videos is crucial as they help  boost your ecommerce sales and increase engagement. You can use them to show off your products in all their glory and tell people what makes them unique and interesting. You can even help educate customers about how to use or care for something new that they might not be familiar with.

Make sure you don't miss out on the opportunities here—take some time and create a video that will get people excited about your product.

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About the Author

Deepali is an engineer-turned-freelance writer for B2B SaaS, writing actionable long-form content for marketing, Cybersecurity, and HR-Tech companies. When she's not writing, she's engrossed in a cozy murder mystery novel with a cup of hot chocolate!



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