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12 Top Podcasts For E-commerce Sellers

Published: April 26, 2023
Author: Andrew Maff


If you're an e-commerce seller, you know that staying up to date on the latest trends is crucial to your success. If you're looking for some great podcasts to help you with your e-commerce business, look no further!



This blog post will share some of our favorite e-commerce podcasts with you. These podcasts are packed full of information that will help you improve your business and increase your profits.

New call-to-actionListen to them while you're driving, working out, or just relaxing at home—they're sure to give you some valuable insights into the world of e-commerce!

Whether you're just starting out or looking for ways to take your business to the next level, these podcasts have something for you!     



What Is a Podcast?

A podcast is a series of audio files that can be downloaded onto your computer or mobile device or streamed from a streaming platform. The user then can listen to the recorded file at their convenience.

Podcasts are widely used in the marketing industry because they allow for a more personal connection between marketers and their audience.

Podcasts allow marketers to talk directly to their customers and potential clients, unlike video recordings. The following are a few of the most popular podcasts on e-commerce.

What Is an E-commerce Podcast?

Podcasts for e-commerce sellers are episodes based on educating, motivating, and inspiring people who sell products online. This is done by talking directly to the audience and encouraging them with tips and tricks.  

This type of e-commerce podcast helps marketers, especially those working in e-commerce, because it guides them on increasing their sales and successfully marketing their product or service.    

These podcasts are all free and meant to inspire entrepreneurs to take action and not just dream about making money online or owning their own business. These e-commerce podcasts can be downloaded on many different platforms. 

e-commerce podcast

What Are the Most Popular Podcasts About E-commerce?

Do people listen to podcasts about e-commerce? If yes, which ones are the most popular? What makes them so interesting for online sellers? As a passionate podcaster myself, I was curious about these questions!       

So I decided to go deep into this subject and prepare a list of the top e-commerce podcasts. In this list, you will find a few top-rated podcasts related to selling online, and many more specific to particular niches or countries.

Top 12 Podcasts About E-commerce

Here is my list of the top 12 podcasts about e-commerce to help you grow your e-commerce business!

The podcasts are not about general e-commerce entrepreneurship topics, but they have episodes with exciting content specific to entrepreneurs. 

I think it's a good idea to read about these e-commerce entrepreneurs and learn from their experience!

1. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield


Amy Porterfield talks about all things online marketing and business strategy on her podcast Online Marketing Made Easy. Topics include social media, list building, and other actionable strategies for your e-commerce business.

The guest list includes such business and marketing experts as Marie Forleo and Brendon Burchard.

2. Entrepreneur On Fire by John Lee Dumas

This is probably the most popular podcast about entrepreneurship. And it's no wonder why—it has more than 500 episodes, all of which are precious content for any entrepreneur.

The host interviews successful entrepreneurs every day and asks them about their business, how they started it, what obstacles they faced that made them successful, and what advice they have for others!

3. A Girl's Guide To Business by Carrie Green

This is a podcast about building your business as a woman entrepreneur. Carrie Green conducts one-on-one interviews with successful female entrepreneurs.

The episodes are very detailed since she asks them about their early steps in entrepreneurship, their current businesses, and what they do to maintain and grow their businesses.

4. The School Of Greatness by Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes has some fantastic guests on his show, but it's not just about interviewing people who are "great."

He also speaks with some regular entrepreneurs who talk about their daily struggles and some more profound challenges they face.

I enjoyed episode 3 in season 2 when he chatted with one of my favorite bloggers, Natalie Sisson from Suitcase Entrepreneur. That's practical advice for e-commerce business owners!

5. Unmistakable Creative by Srini Rao

This is a very inspiring podcast about making your way in the world and achieving success. Every episode ties back to entrepreneurship in one way or another, either through the guest's story or just the topics they discuss.

It is not about business in general, but very targeted at being successful as an entrepreneur!

6. The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is well known for "hacking" his way to success, and he shares his stories with the world through this podcast.

He has interviews with successful entrepreneurs and very creative people who are at the top of their game in various fields. E-commerce businesses conversations are essential in this weekly podcast and can help you get results.

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7. I Love Marketing by Dean Jackson and Joe Polish

This is a podcast about marketing, sales, and business growth. The episodes are relatively short (20-30 minutes), making them great for listening to while you’re doing something, such as commuting or working out.

The hosts interview entrepreneurs and marketers from many different niches, making the show insightful and exciting.  

8. The Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson

This is a podcast about lifestyle business and entrepreneurship, but it's so much more than that! It isn't just about building a business for yourself—it's also about living a whole life and being a great parent, spouse, friend, and so on. Most episodes have one interview, but some have two or more.

9. The E-Comm Show by Andrew Maff

This is a weekly podcast where host Andrew Maff interviews successful high-volume e-commerce sellers to dive into the ins and outs of their businesses. These interviews are inspiring and informative, packed with helpful tips and strategies.

Listen to this podcast for the best insider advice on launching, growing, and scaling your e-commerce business.

10. eCommerce Fuel by Andrew Youderian

This podcast gives detailed information and guidance about launching and growing your own e-commerce business. The host is an experienced e-commerce entrepreneur who interviews top experts in the e-commerce space.

Topics include business management, finance, sales, and even e-commerce predictions. While you’ll learn a lot with every episode, the host also infuses a bit of humor.

11. Side Hustle School by Chris Guillebeau

This is a daily podcast where host Chris Guillebeau talks openly about starting income-earning side projects. He interviews guests who are founders and CEOs of businesses that started out as side hustles and some have grown to generate 7 figures.

12. The Amazing Seller by Scott Voelker

If you're looking to build a successful Amazon business, then The Amazing Seller Podcast is a must-listen to. TAS is hosted by Scott Voelker, and covers a range of topics relevant to Amazon sellers, including product selection, branding, and optimization.

How Do I Promote My Podcast Online?

This is a question I often get from people who want to start a podcast. Podcasting is an excellent way to reach out and interact with your customers or community, but it's more complicated than ever to make money from it.

The problem is that the competition has never been fiercer. Not only are more people starting podcasts, but the barrier of entry is shallow—you aren't limited to radio studios or networks anymore, so everyone can do it.

If you want to stand out amidst all of this noise, there's one thing you must learn how to do: promote your podcast.

It doesn't matter how good your show is if you don't have listeners. And that's where podcast promotion comes into play.      

create a website

Create a Website For Your Show 

Your website needs to be as high quality as your show, but even fiercer. With everyone starting a podcast these days, you have to work harder than ever to stand out from the crowd.

It's no easy task trying to sell your podcast online.

The fact that there has been an influx of new podcast listeners means it's time to rethink our sales strategy.

The good news is, you probably don't need to make money from your podcast if you want to grow a targeted audience—at least not from ads alone.

Set Up a FeedBurner Account

FeedBurner is a tool that lets you manage your podcast RSS feed. It's not free to use, but it makes the process of distributing your podcasts across different apps and platforms much more accessible.

You don't have to set up an account with FeedBurner if you don't want to—the Apple Podcast app should automatically pick up your feed URL.

However, you'll probably run into issues with smaller platforms like Stitcher if you don't use FeedBurner to manage your RSS feed.

Using FeedBurner is pretty straightforward, but there are some advanced options you might want to check out if Apple Podcasts isn't giving you the level of granularity you're looking for.


Optimize Your Title, Tags, and Description

If you're not getting any traffic from Apple Podcasts, take a good look at your podcast's metadata. You should see some feedback about the title of your podcast within 24-48 hours after publishing it to Apple Podcasts.

If you're getting very little engagement on that front, it might be time to rethink your title, tags, and descriptions.

It's a good idea to incorporate searchable terms and keywords into your podcast title and description, so it shows up in Apple Podcasts’ top charts.

But don't go crazy—you'll want to prioritize clarity over search engine optimization

After publishing a podcast, don't forget to edit your title, tags, and description. Apple Podcasts won't update the metadata unless you publish an entirely new episode with different information.

social media promotion

Promote Your Podcast On Social Media

Plenty of podcasts within specific verticals aren’t being listened to because they have no audience. Aggressive social media promotion can work wonders for your podcast's visibility, but you have to know what you're doing.

The key here is to automate as much as possible, so you don't have to spend a ton of time promoting your podcast across multiple platforms.

Set up an RSS feed optimized for Apple Podcasts and upload it to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ via IFTTT.

For maximum impact, schedule all of your social media posts to go out at precisely the same time (and on the same day every week). This will make it easier for people who follow you on multiple platforms to notice that you've uploaded a new podcast episode.

Promote Your Podcast In Email Campaigns

You might not think of your email list subscribers as potential listeners, but there's no reason you can't use them to help grow your audience.

Just be careful with the frequency of your promotional emails. Remember that people signed up for your podcast updates because they're interested in hearing from you, but don’t go overboard.

One email for every episode is usually enough to keep the subscribers who care about your content engaged while respecting those who prefer a lower volume of notifications.

listening to podcast

Benefits Of Listening To Podcasts

Podcasts are great if you spend a lot of time commuting. Listening to podcasts is also perfect for when you need something to occupy your mind during long flights or road trips, so they come in handy if you do a lot of traveling.

Whether it's by car, plane, or public transit, you can use podcasts to make the time you spend traveling more exciting and productive.

Podcasts let you learn while doing other things, making them a great way to pick up new skills, polish old ones, or discover something unique.  

You can listen to podcasts during your morning commute, while you're out for a walk or run, at the gym, or pretty much anywhere else where you have some time to kill.


Podcasts can be a great source of inspiration and information for anyone in the e-commerce industry, but the sheer number makes it difficult to find the most relevant podcasts.

As the online business space has grown vastly, many podcasts are now available to help e-commerce entrepreneurs.

This list includes some of the best podcasts on marketing and entrepreneurship  that all sellers should listen to, regardless of their stage in business.

Contact our team at Bluetuskr, an e-commerce marketing agency for more!New call-to-action

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