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How To Create A+ Content On Amazon Seller Central

Published: April 26, 2023
Author: Andrew Maff

If you're selling Amazon products, you know how important it is to have high-quality product content. After all, this is what helps you stand out from the competition and attract potential customers.

Amazon’s Seller Central is home to various tools, dashboards, and interfaces. Some are more obvious than others, but they all have their uses. Content and keywords are one such useful tool. Creating great content is the difference between a good listing and an outstanding one. 

We live in a digital age where everything from websites to blogs to eBooks has become commonplace. If you want your products to sell on Amazon, then creating content that stands out from the rest is essential. But with so many elements to consider and documents to keep track of, how do you do this? Well, read on for some helpful tips!

Creating A+ Content is a great way to improve your product listings and increase your chances of making a sale. But how exactly do you go about creating this type of content?New call-to-action


Why Content Matters

Amazon’s primary focus is on the customer experience. This extends beyond their website and into the product listings. High-quality, accurate product listings are needed to ensure that customers can find the products they are looking for quickly and easily.

Without accurate listings, customers will not be able to locate the products they want, which will lead to reduced sales. Poorly written product listings put customers off and push them towards your competitors.

Creating highly optimized product listings rich in content is one way of ensuring that your products are easily located and purchased. Customers want to know all the information they need before adding the product to their cart.

They want to know what they are getting, what size, color, style, and where it is shipped. They also want to compare the product with others to ensure they get the best deal. This is where content comes in.

What Is A+ Content?

The A+ Content is an Amazon initiative that has been in place since 2017. It offers sellers a way to improve their product listings by creating more valuable and informative content. It is a structured content format that provides guidelines for you to follow when creating product listings.

A+ Content is designed to increase sales and drive more product traffic by helping customers find what they are looking for more quickly and easily. The A+ Content is broken down into five parts:

- Title: This should be a descriptive title containing the product's key information.

- Bullet Points: These should be concise, informative paragraphs containing key details about the product.

- Image Background: This is the color of the image behind the product image.

- Offer Indicators: This section displays any special offers or deals that are available.

- Product Descriptors: This is a short paragraph that describes the product.


Amazon Seller Central Analytics

Amazon Seller Central Analytics is a free tool that enables you to track and measure all aspects of your business. You can use it to track Amazon’s performance, competitors, and your sales.

- Traffic Sources: This is where you can see how customers are arriving at your Amazon product listings. You can see where they are coming from, what keywords they are using, and how many are clicking the “Add to Cart” button.

- Product Performance: This is where you can see how many units you have sold, the average sale price, and the average profit per sale. You can also see how well your products are competing against the competition.

- Other: This is a section where you can keep track of the number of reviews your products have received and their average star rating.


Amazon Content Tips

Brand owners need to create high-quality Amazon A Content to improve their product listings. Here are some tips on how to do this:

Ensure You Are Brand Registered

You need to be brand registered to create this type of content. You can register your brand by going to the Amazon Brand Registry page and following the instructions.


Know Your Target Audience

The first step to creating A+ Content is understanding who your target audience is. What are their needs and wants? What kind of language do they use? When you know who you're writing for, creating content that appeals to them will be much easier.

Make It Visual

A standard single left image should be at least 1000px by 1000px and a product image should be at least 500px by 500px.

In addition to using high-quality images, you can add videos, infographics, and other types of visuals. This will help grab readers' attention and keep them engaged.

Your brand story is also an excellent opportunity to add some visuals. Use image keywords to help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and ensure your images are of good quality.

Another visual to add is a comparison chart, which can help customers quickly see the differences between your product and similar ones on the market.

For visually-impaired customers, be sure to add alternative text (ALT text) to your images. This will help them understand the image and its relation to your product.

You can also choose a multi-image module, allowing you to add up to eight images per product.

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Create Great Product Descriptions

An enhanced product description is the most crucial aspect of your product listings. This description will convince your customers to part with their money.

A great product description will entice customers to purchase. A poor product description will put them off. Therefore, product description should be descriptive and informative.

  • Aim to be between 150 and 200 words long. You can choose up to seven modules when creating your product descriptions.
  • Include any relevant information about where the product is coming from on the product detail page. Use simple sentences describing what the product is, how it’s used, and what benefits it provides.
  • Include any significant product features. The premium content feature allows for adding up to 500 words, 10 images, and 5 videos.

Negative reviews are a part of life, but you can use them to your advantage. Include a module responding to negative reviews and explaining how you have addressed the problem.

Write Compelling Headlines

The content manager should also be a skilled copywriter. This is because the headlines are just as important as the product descriptions.

Your headlines are what will first catch people's attention, so it's essential to make them as compelling as possible. Use strong verbs and active language to grab readers' attention and entice them to click through to your listing.


Build A Strong Brand Identity With Keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases that customers use to search for products. Amazon wants to bring these customers to your product listings, so they use these keywords to identify your products. You can take advantage of this by identifying keywords relevant to your products and adding them to the product descriptions.

Make Use Of The Keywords Tool

The Keywords Tool is a helpful tool that will help you identify the most popular keywords for your products. Amazon wants you to use relevant keywords for your products, so if you use the tool, it will flag them up. If you are using the correct keywords, these will not be flagged. If your keywords are flagged, you will have to change them.

The Importance Of Keywords On Seller Central

Keywords are an essential part of any product listing. They are the words that potential customers type into Amazon’s search bar when they are looking for products to purchase. Your product listings need to contain the correct keywords to be found by these customers.

This is the only way that they will find your products. Keywords also have a significant impact on your Amazon product ranking. This is where your products appear on Amazon’s search results page.

The higher your products appear, the more clicks they will receive. This means that they will sell more and make you more money. Keywords are also important for another reason. They are also used as part of the A9 algorithm.

This is the computer program that determines how your products are ranked. It uses a variety of criteria to resolve this, one of which is the keywords in your product listing.


Define Your Audience With An Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar is a tool that helps you plan out and keep on track with your content. It can be used for all media, including blogs and emails, but is particularly useful for product listings.

  • An editorial calendar helps you to stay organized and productive.
  • It allows you to avoid missing deadlines and keep track of important dates, such as product launches and sales.
  • It can help you to meet the requirements of different Amazon channels, such as Amazon Seller Central, Amazon Marketing Services, and Amazon FBA.
  • It allows you to stay focused and produce high-quality content.


Amazon’s Buyer Behavior

Buyer behavior is the process people go through when considering a purchase. It starts with a person becoming aware of a problem and ends with purchasing a product. Several factors affect buyer behavior, including culture, their knowledge of the product, and their current mood.

Amazon’s buyer behavior is similar to that of other online retailers. They want to make it as easy as possible for their customers to find the products they are looking for.

They want to provide the best customer experience possible by recommending products that people are likely to purchase. They want their customers to leave positive reviews and recommend Amazon to their friends and family.

How do they do this? They keep track of their customers’ behavior and use this data to recommend products. They use sophisticated AI programs to do this, constantly learning and evolving.


Summing Up

To sum up, how to create A+ content on Amazon Seller Central in 2022 is not difficult. You need to use the right keywords and follow Amazon’s guidelines. You also need to ensure that your product listings are well-written and informative.

By following these tips, you can create A+ Content that will help you improve your product listings and increase your chances of making a sale. So get started today and see the difference it makes for your business. Interested in an Amazon listing optimization service? Contact our team at Bluetuskr, an e-commerce marketing agency.

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